California Used Cars

Cheap Used Cars for Sale in Palmdale, CA

There is a growing number of cheap used cars for sale in Palmdale, CA that you can find at online auction websites.  While the source of these cars may not seem important, it can actually have a large impact on what you will find.  Some of the most common sources include insurance companies, fleet vehicles, repossessions, and much more.  Here is a quick look at each of these sources and the types of vehicles that they tend to supply.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies place a lot of vehicles into auto auctions, however a majority of them carry a salvage title.  This is because these vehicles have been totaled out by the insurance company after an accident of some sort.  While the cars may still be in working order, because they carry a salvage title, you will need to get a clean title before you can legally drive it.  In order to get a clean title, your car will have to undergo a number of state tests.  For some people the cost savings is worth the extra effort, while others find salvaged vehicles to be more effort than they are worth.

Fleet Vehicles

When looking for cheap used cars for sale in Palmdale, CA, fleet vehicles can be a good option.  Most people here about government fleet vehicles, however there is a variety of other sources as well.  A large number of private companies have fleet vehicles and once they are done with them, they will send them to an auction.  Normally the reserve price will be very low, if it exists at all.  This is because the companies can write off the difference between the sale price and value of the car.  No matter what the final sale price is, the end total for the company will be same.  Although there is always a chance that the fleet vehicles will sell for more than the total value, which is essentially a bonus for the company.


Repossessions come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  The most common source for repossessions is lending institutions.  Most of the time, these are cars that were purchased when they were new although some of them could have been used.  This means that at the auction, these cars tend to be newer and better maintained.  Another source which is not technically a repossession, but very similar, are leased vehicles.  When someone leases a vehicle, the leasing company purchases the car from the dealership.  If the person leasing the vehicle decides not to buy it, then the leasing company must sell it.  Only new cars can be leased, so all of these vehicles will only be a year or two old when they are placed up for auction.

With so many different sources available, it is not surprising that there are so many cheap used cars for sale in Palmdale, CA.  Insurance cars tend to be salvaged vehicles which means that you will likely have to do some extra work once you purchase it in order to get a clean title.  Fleet vehicles tend to be a bit older and more inexpensive, but can still be very reliable.  Repossessions and former lease vehicles are both excellent sources if you are interested in newer pre-owned vehicles.

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