Oklahoma Used Cars

Cheap Used Cars Vehicles in Norman, OK

If you are looking for cheap used cars vehicles in Norman, OK, then you need to consider not only what you plan on using it for, but also where it came from.  Norman, OK has a rare combination of a lot of city driving, rural driving, and interstate driving opportunities.  This makes knowing where the used vehicle is coming from very important.  Here is a look at some common sources of used vehicles and what their history is probably like.

Insurance Vehicles

There are a lot of cheap used cars in Norman, OK that were used by insurance companies.  These cars normally have a lot of miles, however most of them will highway miles.  Insurance claim representatives normally have huge coverage areas and will be constantly driving.  With these cars, mileage is less of a concern because they are primarily highway miles.  Additionally, because the cars are constantly driven, they are also being constantly maintained.  That means that an insurance rep car may have 100,000 but only have the wear and tear of a vehicle with 50,000.  If you plan on using your car mostly for rural or interstate driving then an insurance car is a great choice.  Additionally, if you will be doing a lot of stop and start city driving, the car will still function extremely successfully, however you will need to make sure that you continue the regular maintenance routine the vehicle is used to.

Repossessed Vehicles

Norman, OK has had a higher than average repossession rate over the last few years, which means that there is a good chance that you will be able to find cheap used vehicles in Norman, OK by targeting online auctions that feature repossessed vehicles.  These vehicles come from a variety of backgrounds, but many of them are cars that were new when they first purchased before the repossession took place.  This means that if you get a car that is only a few years old, it has probably only had one owner, which increases the chances that it has been treated well.  If you are looking for trucks and SUV’s, then Norman, OK is a great place to look.  The rural area has a lot of farmers and other people who make their living in the agriculture industry.  As the economy depressed, the agriculture industry took a hard hit.  As a result, many farmers and their companions actually gave their vehicles back to lending institutions in order to cut costs.  That is led to a flood of trucks and SUV’s in auto auctions in the Norman, OK area.

As you can see, there are a lot cheap used cars and vehicles in Norman, OK.  The two main sources of cheap used vehicles in the Norman, OK area.  They are from insurance fleets and lending institutions that have repossessed vehicles.  Both of these vehicle sources provide different types of used cars to choose from.  By identify what your used vehicle will primarily be used for, you should be able to better identify which source is best for you.

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