California Used Cars

Find Government Used Cars in Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County is an excellent location to find government used cars.  Within the county borders there are a variety of different types of government auctions which are held throughout the year.  Some are held only a handful of times per year, such as local fleet surplus auctions, while others are held much more often, such as GSA fleet auctions.  The biggest problem most people have when it comes to participating in public government auctions isn’t attending the auction or bidding, but rather finding out about the auctions in the first place.

Finding out Early is the Key to Getting a Great Deal on Used Cars in Los Angeles County

In order to get the best possible deals on government used cars in Los Angeles County is getting the listings as early as possible.  The longer you have access to the listing, the more time you have to do background research on the vehicles you are most interested in.  Vehicle history is a key piece data you need to set a strong maximum bid ceiling.  Without a maximum bid ceiling on each vehicle you are interested in, you risk severely overpaying and missing out on great deals when they appear.

How to Find Government Used Car Listings Early in Los Angeles County

There are several common strategies people use to find out about upcoming government auctions in Los Angeles County.  Unfortunately, not all of them are effective.  The most popular option is to rely on local newspapers and classified ads to find the necessary information.  There are several key drawbacks to this strategy.

The first drawback is you are forced to actively look for government auctions in Los Angeles County every day in order to gain access to the listing as soon as possible.  This could mean searching through the classifieds of multiple publications every day.  In the end, this is a very poor use of your time.  Another drawback to this method is once you find an ad for an upcoming government auction; you will still need to contact the auction house in order to get the listings.  Most government auctions are large enough that printing the entire listing in a classified ad is unrealistic.  To make matters worse, auction houses typically only update their print-based listings once every week or two.  This means whatever listing information you receive, it is likely outdated.

A much more effective option is using an online auto auction website.  These websites provide numerous benefits to searching through classified ads.  The first benefit is time.  Instead of looking through the paper every day, you can simply log into your account once or twice a week to see when upcoming auctions are being held.  In fact, the best websites will announce the auction date even if the listing hasn’t been compiled yet.


Another benefit is online auto auction websites are constantly updating their listings in real time.  This means you will always have access to the latest listing data.  Plus, you can sort through this data in seconds by using helpful search filters that will limit the displayed results based upon your own specific parameters.  By using less time searching you can devote more time to gather background information on vehicles and creating an effective auction strategy.

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