Oklahoma Used Cars

Find Cheap Used SUVs In Tulsa OK

By tracking local auctions, you can find cheap used SUVs in Tulsa OK.  For the population, there are a surprisingly large number of auction houses that deal with used vehicles.  While this provides people looking for used SUVs with a wide variety of resources to utilize, it also makes tracking each of these auction houses more difficult and time-consuming.  Additionally, many of these auction houses rarely post updated listings on their websites, but rather advertisements for upcoming auctions without any specific details.  At best, they highlight one or two vehicles will be available. 

If you are trying to find cheap used SUVs in Tulsa OK, then there are a number of auction houses that you will likely run across at some point.  They include Mr. Ed’s Auctions, 81 Auto Auctions, Midtown Auto Auctions, ADESA Tulsa Auto Auction, Manheims, America’s Auto Auction Inc., 165 Auto Auctions, and Heartland Auto Auction of Tulsa.  The results that you will get each of these auctions will vary widely based upon a number of variables.  One of the biggest variables is how many SUVs are available.  In order to get the best deal when trying to find cheap used SUVs at Tulsa OK auto auctions it is important to make sure that there are multiple SUVs available.  The less that there are, the more intense the bidding will be for each one.  This means that the more that are available, the greater your odds of spotting one or two that have relatively few interested bidders.

Buy cheap SUV in OK

To give you a good idea of some of the deals that are available here is a quick look at a few recent auction results.  The first was a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee it had 83,000 miles and slight damage on the rear bumper.  It is important to note that this damage seem to be entirely cosmetic and did not affect the actual operation of the SUV.  While the value was nearly $12,000, the winning bidder paid only $5000.  Another example is a 2007 Ford Expedition.  It was valued at $12,500 and sold for only $7000.  a final example was a 2008 Ford Explorer with 61,000 miles.  There was some cosmetic damage which was stated to be from vandalism.  This SUV was stolen and then recovered by the police.  It had a local market value of more than $21,000 and sold to the winning bidder for less than $5000.

As you can see, there are definitely great deals to be had on used SUVs in Tulsa, OK.  The next step is putting yourself in a position to actually take advantage of it.  With so many local auction houses that deal with used vehicles, the first step is finding a way to effectively track upcoming auctions and do research on the SUVs which will be available.  Traditionally, your only option was to watch for the classified ads and once you spot an auction, contact the auction house for listing.  There are several problems that this method caused.  The first is that you simply miss the listing, which means you miss the auction.  The second is that when you contact auction houses, the best case scenario is that the listing is outdated because auction houses do not update their print listings in real time.  The worst-case scenario is that they simply don’t have listings to give to the public.  The final problem is that tracking multiple auction houses simultaneously is extremely difficult, especially when it comes to time and organization.

Fortunately, there is now a much easier system in place.  These auction houses are aware of the shortcomings and have compensated by utilizing online auction websites.  In many cases, they partner with established, reputable third-party auto auction sites because it allows them to get all of the benefits of being online, without actually having to maintain their own online auctions.  Since so many of these auction houses do this, you can use these third-party websites to track multiple auction houses simultaneously.  Additionally, these auction houses tend to update their listings in real time because it is much easier and more cost efficient.

This means that going into the auction, you can use these third-party online auto auction websites to get a list of all of the used SUVs which will be available at auction in Tulsa OK well in advance.  By doing this you will be able to do all of your preliminary vehicle research before showing up for the auction which saves time and allows you to get more information.  As an added bonus, in many cases you will be able to place bids before the auction begins or live through these third-party websites.

As you can see, using the right tools you will definitely be able to find cheap used SUVs in Tulsa OK.  The key is leveraging online auto auction websites to give you the maximum amount of information with the minimum amount of effort.  Plus, you can now take part in these auctions without ever leaving your home.  You can even track what other bidders are doing which will give you some insight into which SUVs are being overlooked and will likely be the best deals.

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