If you are scouring Rapid City, SD for quality and reliable used cars then you may have spent some time looking for upcoming auto auctions. Unfortunately, Rapid City has very few public auto auctions for an area of its size. This makes the entire process much more difficult, yet this increased difficulty also makes it more rewarding because you will have far fewer competing bidders. Here is a quick look at the auction scene in Rapid City and an approach that will set you up for success.
One of the most important things to consider is that Rapid City only has two auction houses that deals solely with used cars. The first, and most well-known, is Black Hills Auto Auctions. Unfortunately for the average person, they only oversee dealer’s auctions. This means that without a dealership license, you cannot attend or purchase vehicles. The other is 5 States Salvage Pool. While they do utilize general public auctions, they serve multiple areas which means that they can hold several auctions without having one in Rapid City. In the end, this leads to inconsistency which can be a problem if you need to find a quality, reliable used car quickly.
A majority of the auction houses which will have reliable used cars also auction off land, estates, and other items. This means that you could show up to an auction and only have a small number of used cars available. The worst part is you would likely have to wait through a majority of the auction before the cars were even available to bid on. Even the auction house that has overseen the local surplus auctions is primarily known for real estate and operates in multiple states.
While it will be a little more difficult to track down these auctions, they will likely produce better results than going through a local dealership. This is because dealerships will always ask for the market value of a used vehicle whereas auctions tend to sell vehicles for up to 90% off, depending on the condition. In the end, at an auction you are only going to pay one bid higher than anyone else is willing to pay. At a dealership, you have to pay whatever the dealership wants.
With so few auctions available, you may be wondering how to approach the situation. As with other areas that have few auction houses that focus solely on automobiles, online auto auction websites can be a huge benefit. This is because they will provide you with listings from every auction house that has of vehicle up for sale. As a result, you will save time and money because you will find out about each opportunity before someone who would only be using local classifieds. Additionally, you will often be able to place your bid before the auction begins or place it online in real time. Either way you will be given access to additional tools and information that you would likely not get using a traditional listing.
By using these online tools, you will not only save time but also get an edge over competing bidders. This will make it much easier to bid effectively on quality, reliable used cars in Rapid City, SD.