If you are searching for wholesale used cars sold in Springfield IL then auto auctions are where your attention should be. There will always be used car dealerships claiming that they offer wholesale prices, but they are rarely even close. There are three types of auctions which can potentially offer wholesale prices as long as you come to the auction prepared to only bid on the best possible deals, without giving too much weight to the exact make or model of the vehicle. Here’s a quick look at the three types of auctions and what you can expect from each of them.
The first type of auctions where you can find wholesale used cars sold in Springfield IL are government auctions. Springfield is the state capital and second largest Metro area, behind Chicago. This makes it an ideal location for a variety of different government auctions. Not only will you get all of the state-sponsored auctions as well as several city/suburb and County auctions, but also a variety of federal auctions as well. The most well-known type of government auction is a fleet auction, which is often overseen by the GSA. These auctions are normally an excellent place to find wholesale used cars because there are numerous vehicles of the same make and model. With so many similar options to choose from, it becomes much easier for you to research and gather information as to the average value of any particular model. Armed with this information, you will easily be able to spot the best deals at the auction.
Recently, the US Marshals Service has also decided to hold their auctions in Springfield. Unlike GSA auctions, the marshal’s service does not hold auctions in every state. Rather they try to hold larger auctions in several cities throughout the year. In most cases, you will find these types of auctions taking place only a handful of times per year. However since they are newer to the Springfield area, there’s a good chance that they will get less attention than the more well-known types of auctions.
As a state, Illinois has put a lot of time and effort into building and online infrastructure to promote their auctions. This includes federal, state, county, and local government sponsored auctions. As a result, you will be able to use online auto auction websites to get early access to accurate listings and often be able to place your bids directly online through the sites. This will not only make research much easier, but will also allow you to track the bids on multiple vehicles over the period of several weeks. With this information, it will be much easier to determine which specific units will be sold at wholesale prices and which ones seem to be getting more attention from competing bidders.
The other two types of auctions are repossession auctions and general public auctions. If you combine both types, you will likely find numerous auctions on a weekly or biweekly basis. One thing to keep in mind is that these auctions tend to not have many duplicate vehicles in terms of make and model. As a result, you will need to do more research on a wider variety of vehicles in order to spot wholesale prices when they appear. While this we will take a little more effort, you can also benefit from having access to multiple auctions simultaneously. With so many options available, you can have more patience when deciding which vehicle to bid on because if today’s auction doesn’t have any great deals, there’s a good chance that there will be one tomorrow or the next day. This is a stark contrast to government auctions which, when combined, will be held at best on a monthly basis.
Regardless of which type of auction or auctions you plan on given the most attention to, using online used car auction websites can prove to be the most valuable tool when searching for wholesale used cars sold in Springfield IL. There are two features in particular which you can use to improve your odds of success dramatically. The first is an advanced search results filtering system. When looking at listings for upcoming or current auctions, you can filter the results based upon your own personal preferences. This will not only save you time, but will also make sure that you don’t overlook any potential wholesale prices. Along with sorting based upon vehicle characteristics such as make, model, mileage, and color, you can also sort results based upon price or number of bits. This will allow you to find out which used cars are getting the most attention and which ones are being overlooked. By using this information, you can target cars in which there is a little chance of having to compete against other bidders. The second feature is the ability to flag a potential car to bid on. When you flag a car, the auto auction website will have it to your “watch list”. This will allow you to track the ongoing bidding from a single location, rather than having to track each car separately.